14:00 Registration & Coffee
14:30 Words of Welcome: Karin Nilsson, ArkDes.
Opening: Christer Larsson, Chairman of Europan Sweden.
The Social Structures of the City: Ann Legeby, KTH.
A place based approach – navigating the innovation landscape: Jessica Andersson, ShiftSweden and Trafikverket.
The Metabolic City: Philippe Chiambaretta, PCA-STREAM.
Projects on the Theme of Re-sourcing: Helle Juul, Juul Frost Architects.
Introduction of the E18 Jury: Johan Arrhov, Arrhov Frick, Meta Berghauser Pont, Chalmers, Lone Pia Bach, Royal Institute of Art, Helle Juul, Juul Frost Architects, Sam Keshavarz, Outer Space Architects, Øystein Rø, Transborder Studio, Pernilla Wåhlin Norén, Borlänge Municipality.
Launch of Sites E18: Eslöv, Karlstad, Malmö and Uppsala.
Closing Remarks: Anna König Jerlmyr, CEO of the Arwidsson Foundation.
17:00 - 19:00 Cocktail & Mingle